• Why is the Template palette grey, and no tools available?
The palette tools are not available and a Template can not be changed in any way if an icon that uses this Template is open. This could either be a View icon, or a Query icon. To work on a Template, either close these other icons, or de-select this Template in them.
If this does not work, select Close All from the Icon menu. This will make sure that all icons have been closed (in case you missed one). Then select Show Collection from the Icon menu to regain access to the Relation and the Template.
• Why doesn’t my Template name show up in the View window?
The Template is not valid. When it was closed, there was a dialogue box that announced this fact. Re-open the Template and correct the problem.
• I can’t get rid of the repeat rectangle.
Merely click inside a repeat rectangle (and not inside any rectangles it surrounds) to select it. If there is no free space inside, draw a rectangle through an edge of the repeat rectangle and release the mouse button.
If you have trouble grabbing the grow box with the cursor, turn off the Grid option on the Display menu.
Drag the grow box to the upper left to collapse the rectangle. The rectangle may seem to hang-up as the cursor passes over other rectangles. Just ignore this and keep dragging until the rectangle snaps closed. Release the mouse button, and the rectangle will disappear.
• “...The Repeat rectangle overlaps some other rectangle...”
If you receive this message when you try to close the Template, check to make sure that the repeat rectangle is not overlapping the dashed outline that indicates a page break. Also, the repeat rectangle may be drawn too tightly around other rectangles. Enlarging the repeat rectangle can usually solve this.
• What is the smallest font?
The smallest font available with the System supplied with Helix is 9 point Geneva. Smaller fonts are available elsewhere.
• I’ve drawn a data rectangle this size before, but now it disappears!
Check which point size and font is currently selected for that rectangle. A smaller font will allow a smaller rectangle.
If you draw a rectangle, and then try to select a font larger than allowed for that size of rectangle, your selection will not be recognized.
• How do I copy a Template into another Relation?
You don’t … icons cannot be transferred between Relations.
• How can I move groups of rectangles around on my Template?
Drag a border rectangle around the rectangles that you wish to move, then drag the border rectangle to a new position. All the rectangles inside the border will move accordingly.